Category: Music


How music connects with the human society

Music has always played a significant part in our lives. Humans have always depended upon it for their survival. The evolution of music started millions of years ago. It was created by early man...

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different types of the best music ever

Music plays an important role in everyone’s life. In particular, listening to music helps us relax after a stressful day at work or school or even during a workout session. People around the world...


Interesting impacts of music in movies

Music plays such an important role in films that it has become a part of cinema itself. Some even consider it to be the fourth character in a movie, alongside dialogue, action and plot....


Check out how music help in sports?

Music has become part of every aspect of our lives. It plays a major role in driving our emotions from movies to video games and even social media. In the field of sport, It...

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The history of music that you should know

Music has undergone many changes over its long lifespan. From ancient times, through medieval times, to modern days, music has evolved into a global phenomenon. Many famous musicians have risen to fame over the...