Category: Movies

Some of the movie Genres that you can watch 0

Some of the Movie Genres that you may watch

Movies  are  an electronic signal of moving pictures, graphics, and texts.  Moreover,  they are an electronic signal used to merge a steady stream of images for education or entertainment purposes or any other uses....

Best cartoon movies for kids to watch 0

Best cartoon movies for kids to watch

Cartoon movies  teach things ranging from life skills to language . Cartoon characters come in all shapes and sizes. From superheroes and villains to robots and monsters. Below are some of the best cartoon...

5 Movie Villains You Should Know. 0

5 Famous Movie Villains You Should Know.

Many Hollywood movies feature at least one villain. While some villains serve a purpose, others exist simply because directors want them around. In addition, villains often become symbols of evil, something we subconsciously connect...


Interesting impacts of music in movies

Music plays such an important role in films that it has become a part of cinema itself. Some even consider it to be the fourth character in a movie, alongside dialogue, action and plot....