COVID-19: Study Explains Which Places Should Open Last

Scientists worldwide are advocating for a phased reopening of businesses amid the Covid-19 pandemic. However, it remains unclear what this actually means and which places should be the first, or the last, to reopen.

Considering that places like grocery shops, hospitals, and banks are both essential for everyday survival and wellbeing. As we are as vital for the economy. Below are the recommendations of which places should open last.

Cafes, Juice Bars, and Dessert Parlours

Coffee shops and dessert parlours have been people’s favourite way to meet a friend for a long chat and enjoy a cup of coffee. However, researchers claim that these places, along with juice bars, should be among the last to reopen because they typically have a high turnout of people every day.


Similarly, to cafes, bookstores actually don’t sell enough to make them economically feasible when compared to their accumulated risks. Moreover, as shoppers tend to stay in the often narrow and crowded rows of bookshelves for quite a long time.

Given the now well-known fact that Covid-19 can stay on surfaces for quite a long time and knowing how difficult it can be to maintain social distancing in bookstores and libraries, the risks of catching the dangerous virus outweigh the benefits.

Sporting Goods Stores

Considering that sports equipment and attire are widely available online, a trip to the sporting goods store is hardly necessary these days. The study points out that while not essential for consumers, unlike grocery stores and electronics stores, sporting goods stores share the crowdedness and poor ventilation standards of these businesses.

That is rendering sports equipment stores equally as risky. Thus, the researchers point out that these shops should reopen after grocery stores, electronics stores, and even furniture stores. Punters should be aware of these developments to avoid inconveniences.


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