Pharmacists:Things They Should Never Say to Patients

Pharmacists are always in direct contact with patients. At some point you have experienced a moment when a patient was less than enthused by your response to his or her question. This can always be avoided to keep the patients you interact with happy and satisfied with your service.

There is nothing more frustrating than facing an issue with a patient’s prescription that is out of your hands. Then adding to the confusion, anger, and disappointment to the situation. Fortunately, replacing the following statements with a more delicate and empathetic approach may save you from an unpleasant situation.

Pharmacists Should Never Say: You’re my first shot this season

There is nothing more nerve-racking for a patient than pointing out that you haven’t vaccinated anyone in a few months. Chances are you have given hundreds if not thousands of vaccinations, so don’t make a patient believe that you’re incapable of providing any service you have been trained to perform.

I completely understand where you’re coming from

When a patient is expressing difficulties with their health care, they are looking to you for advice and assistance in achieving their health care goals. Just saying that you understand doesn’t help the patient. It can even be interpreted as wanting to get through the conversation in order to move onto the next patient.

However you can be honest and say that you haven’t had these experiences, and then let patients know that you’re available to help them if needed.

It’s a $5 copay. Why are you complaining

Questioning a patient’s financial status is one mistake you should avoid and can be highly offensive. Perhaps the patient is paying off a large hospital bill or shouldering a sick family member which you cannot know anyway.

Regardless, it’s not your position to verbally question or judge patients who don’t shell out $5 without hesitation. Instead, ask if they have any additional prescription discounts for you to reduce their copay.


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