Health Benefits of Slippery Elm

Slippery elm, also known as red elm has amazing healing properties.  The tree has a dark brown to reddish-brown bark. The bark of the tree contains mucilage when you mix this substance with water, it becomes a slick jell.

The mucilage is the one with healing properties as well as anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Inflammatory   Bowel Disease Treatment

The  tree helps relieve pain in the lining of your stomach. The tree helps treat irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis.drink a glass of water with one teaspoon of slippery elm powder two to three times a day. This should be done an hour after taking the medicine that your doctor has prescribed.

Sore Throat Soothing

The greatest thing about taking slippery elm for a sore throat is that the sore throat instantly disappears. Slippery elm reduces inflammation hence it is an ingredient in many throat relieving medicines.

Add two teaspoons of slippery elm powder into two cups of boiled water. Cover for five to ten minutes and then drink twice a day.

Slippery Elm helps with Constipation

It heals hemorrhoids as well as relieves you from constipation. Slippery elm is very effective in curing constipation.

Mix a teaspoon of the powder with two cups of boiling water, a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. Drink the mixture twice a day.


The powder of this tree can reduce heartburn by coating the oesophagus. It reduces any irritation and inflammation that happens when stomach acid comes up to the oesophagus.

To relieve yourself from heartburn, mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of the powder to a glass of water.

Treating Respiratory diseases

It can treat respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis by thinning mucus. This will remove mucus that clogs the airway.

To treat respiratory diseases, add two teaspoons of slippery elm powder into two cups of boiled water. Cover for five to ten minutes and then drink twice a day.


the tree can heal a lot of diseases, if you win your real money while playing online casino game, you should buy this powder.

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