Life is a Gamble, So Role The Dice and Play

Life is a gamble. This is a very common saying. However no matter how many someone can say, it is something that others just don’t believe. That is why today we will show you that every day that you live and why you should just role the dice and play.

Why we say Life is A Gamble

It’s Not Certain

The life that we live is not certain and that is a fact. Its juts an online casino game, as we love, we play. And whether we win or not depends on how we play the cards. Though that only applies in online poker. In other games like blackjack, where you have no idea what will drawn next, you just have to play on and hope that you will not bust in the next round.

life is a gamble

life is a gamble

It’s a Risk

The best and the worst thing bout life is that it a risk. One the very few people seem to notice or care about. Unlike gambling where you risk and lose a few Australian Dollars, when it comes to life a wrong move can make you regret everything and spoil everything. At least in online casino games, we have the chance of recovery in the round. Sometime with life, we don’t.

It’s a Wild Game of Cards

Yes, you heard us right, life is a wild game of cards, not wild ride. Just a very wild game of cards. Why we say this, well, because we never know what the dealer will deal us next.  You think you have the winning hand and the boom, you have lost just like that. Just like life, you think you have it all figured out. And then just like that, you lose it all within a blink of an eye. So the life is so wild and so unpredictable, what we do? You enjoy it. Just like w do with gambling, enjoy the game.




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