Deadliest viruses in Human History

Deadliest Viruses can be one of the most dangerous things in the whole world. These are living organisms that are found in the world. However, not all viruses are harmful. Viruses rely on other living organisms for them to survive, they replicate inside the cells of another organism. They can be found inside an animal, plant and fungus.  Without a host, viruses cannot exist.

There are over 200 species of viruses that have chosen human beings as their hosts. Most of these viruses cause great harm to human bodies.

Human beings have managed to control some of the viruses; also, they managed to eradicate some of them by developing vaccines.  Below are some of the most deadly viruses in human history.

deadly viruses

deadly viruses


Ebola is a group of six deadliest viruses. The virus was first discovered in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1976.  A person with Ebola will have a high fever and haemorrhages that are often fatal.

Ebola is transmitted through body fluids such as blood from infected people or animals.  However not all Ebola viruses are dangerous to human. Moreover, the most dangerous strain of the Ebola virus is the Zaire ebolavirus, i9t kills 90% of the people it infects.  The last outbreak of the Zaire ebolavirus happened from 2014 to 2016 and it killed 11, 323 people.

Marburg Virus

The virus was first discovered in 1967 in Germany. It is similar to the Ebola virus; it is spread through bodily fluids. The virus causes haemorrhagic fever, the virus is difficult to treat hence it is considered extremely dangerous.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

The virus causes HIV/AIDS, a condition that attacks the immune system. It makes itself visible through a variety of symptoms. It was first observed in 1981 in the United States. Similar cases had however been discovered in Norway in 1966 and Congo in 1950. It is the most deadly virus in the modern world, estimated to have killed 32 million people to date. Antiviral treatments that extend the life of AIDS patients by years have been developed, there is however no vaccine for the viruses.

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