Foods To Make You Lose Weight

Having the best body or rather the picture perfect body is everyone’s dream. But how to get there is a hustle. There are so many articles that people have written to try and give advice as to how to lose weight. But what they do not mention is that these pointers do work for certain people.

It does differ with the metabolism rate and also how your body functions. You know what they say that one man’s bedroom is another man’s toilet. Our point exactly. But this article will give you foods that will burn that fat despite the difference in the metabolism rate and body functions.

Let the berries do the talking

Blueberries have antioxidants that help you to feel full. Not only will they help burn the fat but they will also reduce blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity. At times you will get people that tell you that they don’t eat big portions of food but rather small.

So what happens is that you might be eating small portions but every time you feel hungry you munch then you are bound to gain weight. By eating Blueberries then you automatically get rid of that nagging hunger twinges.

It’s all in the fiber foods

The trick in burning that fat is by eating foods that contain fiber. They have low calories and what is even more important is the fact that not only are they ideal to aid digestion, they also make sure that they leave that filling sensation.

Also, get this, they are rich in Isothiocyanates. These are chemicals that help regulate bacteria. Do not be scared, in our bodies we have good and bad bacteria. And the good bacteria is what we need. In these foods for example cabbage, pineapples and also apples among others. You get glutamine which helps to repair the lining of the intestines.



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