Cooking Tips That May Help at a Family Function

Cooking for a lot of people may be challenging for a lot of people. There is a lot of planning and preparing that is required for each dish. If you are stressed because you are overwhelmed, this article is for you. Here is what you need to do.

cooking tips

cooking tips that can help when cooking for a lot of people

Set The Table Ahead of The Time That You Are Supposed To Serve Your Food

A simple thing such as setting the table ahead of the time that you are supposed to serve the food can lift a lot of stress. This removes another task that you were supposed to do. do other tasks that do not require you doing them during the time that you are supposed to cook. These tasks may include emptying the dishwasher or throwing trash away.

Cooking Mashed Potatoes Hours Before Dinner

mashed potatoes will not be clumpy after they are made just a few hours before dinner. Make sure you keep them hot until your guests arrive. To avoid lamps, stir them every now and then and also make sure they are on the lowest heat.

Follow Recipes

If you do not know a dish very well, it is advisable for  you to follow a recipe. Place your recipe book on your kitchen cabinet for easy access. If you are going to use a phone or a laptop, make sure there is a lot of space so that you will not ruin your electronic gadgets while preparing your food.

Use a Frozen Turkey

This is key because if you do not use a frozen turkey, you may find that the some parts of the turkey may be overcooked while some will be under cooked or hard. You will require 24 hours to thaw the meat before you can cook it.

Roast Turkey Upside Down

This will make the breast of the turkey more juicy. This is because all juices will be moving down to the breast of the turkey.




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