Women have shaped the fashion world in so many different glamorous ways. In this article, we are going to be looking at some women who have played a very crucial role in shaping fashion. Therefore, here is a list of the best women designers of all time.

Best Female Designers: Coco Chanel

Best Female Designers: Coco Chanel



Madeleine Chéruit is not as well as Elsa Schiaparelli or Coco Chanel. But, she paved the way for women’s fashion designers. The designer is amongst the first females to run a large French fashion firm around the turn of the century. Chéruit began her career as a dressmaker at Raudnitz & Cie House of Couture in the late 1880s. But, her expertise was so extraordinary that in 1905, she seized over the salon and renamed it Chéruit. Also, she aided Paul Poiret’s career by promoting his designs, received Vogue’s accolades, and was one of the few couture firms to stay open through WWI. Even though the mansion was closed in 1935, Chéruit is still alive and well today.



Paquin was noted for her stylish eighteenth-century-inspired pastel evening gowns, as well as her “marketing ploy.” And,  in the early twentieth century, she started staging fashion displays. Known as the runway show’s antecedent) and sending equipped models to social events such as races and operas.



Coco Chanel, of course, requires no introductions; her impact is as powerful as ever, and the brand she established retains one of the world’s most prized and revered labels. ” She borrows from the vocabulary of male clothing to integrate what are now hallmarks of athletics into womenswear,” says Francesca Granata of Parsons. “Her style relevancy is outstanding.”



Jeanne Lanvin is another female fashionista. And, her brand is as important today as it was when she launched it. Lanvin was trained as a milliner and tailor. Later, she began producing outfits for her daughter that were so exquisite. Then, several rich individuals requested duplicates for their children, which the designer gladly provided. Lanvin began as a children’s clothing line. Mothers began asking similar designs for themselves, and the business grew to include clothing, home design, and perfume within a few years, making Lanvin the first designer to recognize the possibilities of a luxury label


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