3 Technologies on the Horizon That May Revolutionize HealthCare

As the population ages worldwide, medical costs continue to rise. Many companies are working diligently toward developing solutions that bring healthcare back into the hands of patients and doctors, especially since they don’t want their loved ones to get sick or suffer from preventable diseases. Here are 3 transformative innovations currently being researched and developed. In each case, the goal is to provide the patient access to better outcomes at a lower cost.

3 Technologies on the Horizon That May Revolutionize Health Care

Tech in Healthcare

Technology has been playing a major role in healthcare for decades. From the MRI machine (developed in 1972) to X-ray machines (1976), technology continues to improve diagnostic capabilities and deliver more accurate results than ever before;

1.) Wearables for Health Monitoring:

The Fitbit tracker and other wearable technologies have revolutionized how we track our physical activity levels. With so many new options available today, it’s hard not to wonder if there will be a Fitbit one day for all of your body functions? The Mayo Clinic recently announced the MayoFit App, which provides real-time data about a person’s heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, sleep quality, and stress level during exercise. It also tracks weight loss and calorie intake.

2.) Artificial Intelligence in Diagnosis:

AI’s capabilities have grown exponentially over the past few years, with many tools now able to diagnose conditions such as cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and dementia. Some of the most popular applications include IBM Watson, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant,  as well as Apple Siri. As AI continues to evolve, its impact on medicine is growing too. Currently, several companies are looking to apply deep learning algorithms to detect early signs of various illnesses, including skin cancers, lung tumors and breast lumps.

3.) Telemedicine:

A recent study by Harvard University found that telemedicine reduces patient visits by 29% and hospital admissions by 22%. This is an important finding because it shows that telemedicine can effectively replace face-to-face appointments when both parties agree. If you think about it, this type of innovation could help address some of the issues related to the shortage of primary care physicians, as well as specialized service providers.


The Bottom Line

Stretching all the way from advances in online gambling and eGaming, the innovations brought by new tech as endless. Each month brings us something new to learn and use, making life easier and richer for everyone. Don’t miss out on these exciting opportunities!


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