All You Need To Know About Sharks

It is often scary to think of sharks for so many people. You may only think of a 40-foot creature with 150 teeth when you think of these species. However,  there is more than you can learn about these creatures. Here is what you need to know about sharks.

facts that you should know about sharks

All You Need To Know About Sharks

Sharks are one of The Oldest Creatures on The Planet

There are presently 512 labelled species of sharks, additionally, there are also 23 unlabelled ones. However, new species are still being discovered.   There is evidence that these species were in existence about 450 million years ago. This makes them one of the oldest pieces to have existed on earth.

The Reproductive Habits of Sharks

They are wired when it comes to their reproduction habits. They fight when they are gestating.  One shark can carry between 20 to 150 baby sharks. There is a species of shark called the spiny dogfish which is ovoviviparous. This means they have embryos that grow inside eggs and these eggs are located in their womb.

These  Species Love to Hunt During the Night

They prefer hunting during the night and they like sleeping during the day. They like to hunt alone, they do not move in groups. However, some of them often join in when they smell prey.

Some Also Live In Other Places Other Than The Sea

There are some that do not live in the sea, they live in lakes as well as rivers. These are freshwater species. The bull sharks and the river sharks are types of species that live in rivers and lakes.

Hammerhead  Species Have Good Vision

Each eye on this shark has 180 degrees of vision which are very good. You might think the position of the eye on the shark may limit its vision but that is not the case. They can rotate their eyes too. When they rotate their eyes, they also swivel their heads and this improves their vision. This is because they can see 360 degrees if they do that.

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