Interesting Facts About The Human Body

The human body is one of the most fascinating things that you will ever come across. The reason being that there is a lot that happens there and therefore a lot that people still have to figure out.

What makes it even more fascinating is the fact that you can never truly understand it because its not like computer that you can easily master.

Even after all these millennia living in the same hums body, there are still some interesting facts about the human body that we are sure you never knew.

Facts About The Human Body

Facts About The Human Body

Facts About The Human Body

Time to Grow

Did you know that you grow at night and not during the day? The reason behind this is that the cartilage in your bones will compress during the day and therefore meaning will stretch out at night. So we are guessing that if you at to be taller, you know what to do now.

It’s a Saliva Bath

Did you know that the amount of saliva that you produce in a year can fill two large bathtubs to the brim? Imagine all that saliva just coming from single human being.

Black and White Dreams

Despite the fact the world is so full of color and we have gotten rid of all the black and white T.V’s 15% of the worlds population dream in black and white. Although the majority of the population still dream in color, you may be par of the 15% that still dream in black and white and you will never even know it.

Human Skin: Home for Bacteria

Did you know that the human skin has at 1000 different species of bacteria that are living on at a time? This is why we go through the process of skin regeneration. And speaking of that, the whole process f skin regeneration will take up to 28 days.

The Bones

There are tonnes of human facts that we are sure are able to literally blow your mind. But for today, e will wrap up with this one right here. And that is the fact that ¼ of your bones are found on your feet.

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