Animals’ Ways of Communicating

Humans have so many ways of communicating, putting a message across to the next person. Just as much as humans reach out to each other through language, signs and gestures, animals also have their own tactics. As we were growing up we taught that cats meow, dogs barks and lions roar but they forgot to mention that it is much complex than that. Animals also use various forms of communication to one another and send and receive various messages.

How Animals Communicate

A Rhino deciphering a message from a fellow rhino

White Rhinos communicate through dung

One thing to note is that Rhinos have terrible eyesight so they cannot really use body language to speak to one another. As a way of communicating with other Rhinos, a Rhino may leave a heap of dung. So all of them may choose a common spot where they deposit the dung as a community and these are can become communal dung a community bulletin. The Rhinos have a special of identifying each heap. The type of heaps will determine whether one of them is sick or ready to mate.

Caterpillars’ amazing way of communicating

Caterpillars and ants can be potential enemies because the caterpillar can become the prey. However, the Alcon blue butterfly reaches out to the caterpillar for security and defense. Whenever these caterpillars feel threatened they scrape their abdomen. This will  create some kind of a song that only red ants can recognize.  Funny enough the caterpillars imitate the sound of a red ant queen. Soldier ants can kill one of their own just protect a caterpillar. It is always good to show that kind of unity even when it comes to gambling.

Bees dance

It is believed that when a bee discovers a honey source they head back to the hive and present a dance to their fellow bees. This shows that communication is very vital even to animals.


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