How Common is Common Sense?

Human beings apparently have more than five senses; we have intuition, which is usually called the gut feeling. That feeling that cannot really be explained but greatly your choices. Then there is common sense. The sense that we believe all people to have. The ability to make a judgement without any study. However how common is it?

Common Sense

Common Sense

What is Common sense?

We believe common sense to be the ability to make a judgement because it’s the best thing to do. It’s like something that we know that we have to do or something that we know we shouldn’t do. It’s not something that is taught at school or something that you can get a degree for.  That is why people wonder how common it is. This is as there are times when hear someone saying that one person lacks common sense.

Do people lack common sense?

Therefore can we say thy people do lack common sense? We believe not, this is as we believe that it is relative. It’s like buying something from a store, which can be cheap for me, can be expensive to you. The same is true with this sense, what you believe to be reasonable; someone may believe to be ridiculous. Therefore, believe that it not fair to say that some lacks it? Rather they just have a different way of thinking from yours.

The Uniqueness in “Lacking Common Sense”

Lacking this sense, as some may call it, leads to the creation of great things. This is all that is common has been created and in order for something to be created, it just has to be unique. And with that so-called lack of it thereof, you are able to do things that common people would never even dare to dare. Just like how they say those who play real money online casino games lack common sense. However, when they win, everyone wonders just how they did it.

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