The World’s Scariest Foods you need to Know

There is a belief that a vacation is not complete without tasting out the local foods. Most tourists found this very adventurous mostly in braving to have some unfamiliar dishes. Nevertheless, as much as we all love to try out these dishes you need to think twice before you do. There many scariest foods you need to know.

These scariest foods actually stink and most of them look weird. Well without further ado, let us share some of these with you now.

Barbecued Bat – Indonesia

It is not a doubt that Indonesia is popular for having some of the best and unique dishes in the world. But their unusual barbecued bat served at a local restaurant is something you cannot look forward to. Well, there is a tourist that fancy that type of dish but for some, it is the scariest dish actually.

Durian Fruit – Singapore

Talk about the smelliest fruit in the world, the Durian smells like rotten flesh. The fruit is banned in most part of Singapore. But for some tourists, they find it very amazing to try out which is why it has become very popular. When it comes to its taste, it will only depend on you either like or not. Some have described this fruit as sweet and somewhat almond and dry.

Being adventurous comes in different shapes and styles. Therefore, some they have found it very adventurous to try out these scariest and disgusting foods. Yes, people are different, some find it exhilarating in trying out this food.

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