Working Together this November 2018

This month is one of the most significant ones this 2018. We came across something that we thought we would share with you. We all have been told that working together is one of the most human things to do.

Pic writen working togetherBut it is the magnitude of working together that we saw in this particular industry that we will talk about briefly, it is out of this world. It is the true definition of people knowing what the word togetherness really stands for.

Now keep on reading and get to know about the most astonishing thing that you will ever come across. Something that is underrated but worth talking about.

BC Tourism Industry Conference

This is one of the biggest conferences there ever is. How these conferences came to be is brilliant. The industry gurus sat down as they discussed what would be the best thing to do to try and make the tourism industry the biggest industry ever.

The most brilliant plan came and you can never imagine. They have a conference that is held annually. The agenda of this conference is to solve all the issues that arise in the tourism industry. They come together and when we say ‘’they’’ we are referring to everyone who wants to venture into tourism or people that already have companies that deal with tourism.

It gets better

Events that are this big usually have a certain set of people that lead them. But because this is a conference to give everyone the opportunity to grow, anyone can be a sponsor. Yes! We were shocked as well.

If you are that person who wants to be spearheading this conference then you should be happy. Everyone is given an equal opportunity to showcase what they have and also help others in that sector. And just because of that, that is the reason why this conference has become big and amazing.

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