The Different Types of Rest

No matter how busy you claim to be, at some point you will need to take a break. This is because you will get physically and mentally tired. However, when we say rest, we don’t mean take a nap, as there many different types of rest. Some of which we will take a look at now.

Types of Rest

Time Away

A time away means that you are away form your usual place of business. You may be way on leave or you just may have changed your usual work station. This helps to relax you as you will be in a different environment.

Permission to be helpful

This basically mean you are you usually are, but you are not doing anything. Its almost like a time away, but he difference is that you will still be in usual spot, just not doing anything. Basically you will laze around.

Something “unproductive”

Most work stations require you to always be productive. They need to make sure that you are doing something. However, this type of rest juts needs to relax. You may watch some movies or even just listen to music. The main is that your mind needs to be relaxed.

Connection to Art and Nature

Types of Rest

Types of Rest

This type of rest usually involves you going out for a walk. Just to see around and get out of the usual work space. As we said, you may go for a nature walk or just visit a cultural center to help you to reconnect with nature and culture.

Break from Responsibility

We are sure that at some we all need this. Where we get away and get to be child for just a few minutes or hours. Where instead of making and enforcing the rules, you are breaking them for a change.

Alone time at home

This I one of the most favored types of rest. Where you get away from the whole world. Where you at home, with just you and your thoughts.

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