Crazy Things People Do When They Win at a Casino

man in tub drinking after winning jackpotAmerican, Jon is a professional lotto caller while Jennifer is a female security guard at a casino. What do these two have in common; both get to interact with people who have won bets. It’s not a big deal right? But it is, people get excited when they win real money.

Meanwhile, Jon says there are really good screamers out there when he tells them they are now worth millions. Sometimes it’s a different story altogether, winners completely go quiet for a long time when they receive the good news.

Strange Things at the Casino

Meanwhile, Jennifer has to deal every time with a certain lady, who takes off her bra, whips out her boobs and throws her bra away. Wow! That’s some way of celebrating. But what are you suppose to do if you were a security at that casino, the lady is celebrating her win?

Casino sometimes makes people get away with anything. That’s public indecency, but you can get away with it in casinos. Especially after a big win. You wouldn’t want to piss off a customer if you are a security guard by making them play elsewhere they are more comfortable.

Funny thing is that you won’t spend a night in jail because of public indecency at a casino, yet someone out there is getting arrested for wearing Robin or a Batman’s outfit. That’s why I am so much in love with my country, especially the casinos.

Suicidal Ending

The sad part is when people get their lump sum wins and get overexcited. They sometimes pick up enemies as they go and the situations end up messy.

You have to have a clean life so that when you win a lottery no one is blackmailing you or wants you dead. Billy Bob Harrell Junior ended up committing suicide because he could not stand the pressure of winning the lottery.

Now we say Cheerio Aussies, play it safe wherever you are! Remember to have a blast at Reels of Joy Casino gaming and winning.

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