Scientists discover ways to Translate Brainwaves into Sentences

What are Brainwaves? Well brainwaves are a way that the brain cells communicate.

Additionally, The cells communicate different on things that include emotions, movements and speech.

More so, the brainwaves are a result of patterns in which neurons fire to affect certain behaviors, the process has been difficult to understand for so many years.

A group of scientists from UCSF in San Francisco discovered that a human brain can actually talk while the person is quiet

Even gamblers need the brain to play real money online casino games with skill. Scientist have managed to teach a computer to read the brain and it makes less that 3 percent mistakes. Soon scientist may be able to hear what your brain is saying while you are quiet. that would be interesting considering that there are laws that protect privacy around the world.

brainwave sentences

scientists successfully translate brainwaves into sentences

How they Record Brainwaves

They were record brainwaves by attaching about 250 electrodes to a precise location in the brain. The electrodes are placed in the area of the brain cortex around the sylvian fissure.

How they collect Data

Recordings were then fed into a neural network, in the computer.  The system then analyses the brain patterns and decodes them into sentences. The computer translated the patterns and it was  97 percent successful.

Scientists suggest that each brain wave represent a certain language. Unit, a word or specific sound.

Four participants were tested using this computer. This technology will give a clear voice to people with voice pathologies.  This breakthrough for people who cannot speak as they can be given a voice through this technology.


well giving the voiceless a voice is certainly the most important thing the research will achieve. In addition, This will give people with speech challenges a chance to play real money online casino games just like any other person.

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