What is the Online Casino Cash Out Curse?

If there is one breed of people who is suspicious is the world, its gamblers. Maybe it is because they deal with real money every day. Or maybe it all comes with the gamble, who knows. Anyways, today we shall look at the cash out curse. If you have never heard of it, then its reason to find out more about this Online Casino Cash Out Curse and if it’s true.

What Is The Online Casino Cash Out Curse?

As we have already said that gamblers are a very suspicious breed of people, and the cash out curse falls under on the many things that they believe. The cash pout curse is the belief that players will lose more money after withdrawing their wins form an online casino. Sounds funny and at the same time, in the word of gambling and real money anything is possible. An example of the cash out a curse at play is that is you withdraw AU$500 from the casino, you will lose more money than that and at a very fast rate.

Gamblers who believe that this curse will only ever withdraw funds from the casino when they are done with it.

Online Casino Cash Out Curse

Online Casino Cash Out Curse

Why Do Gamblers Believe This Curse?

Real money gamblers believe that there are many forces that are at play when they play real money online casino games. That is why some gamblers play with charms have a few things that they do before they play. And when it comes to this course, real money gamblers believe that the house turns against them when they withdraw their funds. Therefore, they would rather not withdraw the funds but keep on playing with them till they decide to leave the casino.

Is the Online casino Cash Out Curse True?

Let’s be honest here, there are few online gambling curses that are true. Wait, let us rephrase that, there are close to no gambling curse that is actually true. And with that, we would say that the cash-out is not true. Though it won’t kill you to keep your money till it’s a lump sum to withdraw, it just makes the victory all the much sweeter.

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