Most Famous Boxing Techniques used by boxers
Boxing is a sport that has existed since ancient times. It’s a massive sport, considering how some fans even go to the lengths of staking up real money bets in different matches. The basic premise is simple – two opponents throw punches at each other until one opponent falls down. There are various styles of boxing, such as Muay Thai, American Boxing, etc., and each style has its unique rules and regulations. Here is a list of some of the most important boxing techniques, along with their history, evolution, and current usage. Learn more about the most effective ways to box today.
Punch Combination
A punch combination is when you land multiple punches in succession on your opponent’s body in quick succession. They may be thrown at once or staggered out over 15 seconds or so. Punch combinations are great for breaking down an opponent’s defence, which opens up the opportunity to connect with devastating power shots.
Punches in Sequence
Punches in sequence refer to a series of consecutive punches that you deliver on your opponent. This technique is particularly useful against a tough opponent who may block many strikes but cannot afford to let your next strike go by. You have to hit him while he’s still moving, so it can take years before you get accustomed to this technique.
Cross Counterpunch
Cross counterpunch is the type of punch where you hit your opponent after they’ve already delivered a swing or jab. It could either come from behind or from any angle. This technique is very difficult because your timing must be perfect; if not, you risk receiving damage yourself.
Hooks & Uppercuts
Hooks & uppercuts are characterized by the fact that the attacker swings into his target area (the head) rather than directly into it. For example, if you want to connect with an upper-cut, you would make sure to step back just enough to allow the blow to clear your head. Then you would follow through with your fist raised above your head. If done correctly, you should feel a satisfying sensation upon impact.
Now you know all of the fundamental techniques that you need in order to become a better boxer. Practice these techniques regularly and work hard to conquer your weaknesses. As long as you keep improving, the sport will keep evolving, too!