Following a Low-Carb Diet? Avoid These Mistakes

Low-carb diet mistakes have become a common thing now, considering that everyone is opting for it. A low-carb diet can be quite beneficial in shedding excess fat. It is, hence, no surprise that it has become one of the most popular diet fads in recent years.

Low-Carb Diet Mistakes: Processed meat

Processed meats include deli meats, bacon, sausage, salami, jerky, and hot dogs. While they may feel super tasty, you must know they contain nitrates and nitrites. These are preservatives that are connected to a higher risk of stomach cancer.

That is why you must try and focus on eating minimally-processed meats like fresh chicken, fish, and beef when you are on a low-carb diet.  Even if you are desperately craving some processed meat, look for options that don’t have nitrates and nitrites. Remember, your diet plan should include as much unprocessed and fresh foods as possible otherwise the whole effort would become counterproductive.

Depriving yourself too much favourite foods

Often, when we start a low-carb diet, we tend to deprive ourselves of all kinds of food to achieve faster results. Yes, getting rid of refined carbohydrates like sugars and white flour from your diet is a great way to boost weight loss as these carbs can increase your blood sugar and make your body store excess glucose as fat.

That being said, completely depriving yourself of some treats and your favourite foods may cause you more harm than good. When you do this regularly, it may lead to a harmful cycle of cravings and then binging.

Not adding enough sodium to your diet

You must have heard that cutting down on salt is essential to maintain a proper diet. However, not replenishing your sodium can be harmful, too. When you are on a low-carb diet your insulin levels might go down and your body can then start shedding excess sodium along with water.

That’s why many people suffer from excessive bloating in the first few weeks of their low-carb diet. However, do remember that sodium is an important electrolyte and lack of it may lead to problems.


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