Does Drinking Juice Count as Drinking Water?

Does drinking juice count as drinking water? This is a question that many people ask when they are looking for an excuse to not drink water but rather have a glass of juice instead. And today, we want to answer that question.

We have to be honest and say that water does not get the attention that it deserves as compared to slimming teas, antioxidants, and even alcohol and some sodas and fizzy drinks as well. That is why it is very rare to get an advert for water, we actually there is little no adverts water, but water plays a crucial role in the upkeep of the body.

What Counts as Water?

If you are looking for a substitute for water, to be honest, there is none. Water makes up 60% of our bodies, as such, there is nothing that can fully substitute it. However, there are some fruits and beverages that can come pretty close.

Like watermelons, for instance, they are made up of 90% water, so they can do in place of water. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, and melons are also very close contenders as they are made up of high percentages of water and have various vitamins to add to that.

Vegetables like cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, green peppers, and lettuce are also other excellent sources of water and minerals. But they still do not have the full composition of water that we need in order for them to fully substitute for water in our bodies.

Juice vs Water

Then we have juice, many people consider juice to be water as such they take it in place of water. But the truth is that no matter how many glasses of juice that you will take, there is a 50% chance that you will still need water at eth end of the day. It may be just a sip of just a small amount of just 100ml, but it will be able to cure your dehydration within minutes.

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