Personal Hygiene Mistakes that you Should Stop Making

There are certain personal hygiene habits that you have been taught growing up. These include brushing your teeth, taking a bath washing your hands before eating among other habits. The habits became part of your normal life. However, some people are making personal hygiene mistakes unknowingly.

personal hygiene mistakes

Personal Hygiene mistakes that people make here are personal hygiene mistakes that you should avoid.

Not Covering Your Mouth When Coughing

Covering your mouth when coughing prevents germs from spreading all over the place. You would not want to spread germs at a real money Poker table by coughing without covering your month. This may annoy other players as well.

Covering your mouth prevents outbreaks of viruses such as coronavirus. If you are sick it is best to stay at home, if you decide to go out then you should cover your mouth.

Not Washing Your Hands is One of the Personal Hygiene Mistakes

Washing your hands is the best way to avoid getting sick or getting others sick. People either do not wash their hands or do not wash hands in a correct way after using the restroom. Wash your hands with soap after using the restroom to avoid getting sick.

Not Taking Good Care of Your Toothbrush

Most people tend to rinse their toothbrush after use before putting it away. Putting it away while it is still wet is a hygiene mistake that you should never do.

A wet toothbrush is a breathing ground for bacteria. The next time you put the toothbrush into your mouth, you will be putting more germs into your mouth. This will cause diseases such as gum disease and bad breath. After you rinse your toothbrush, make sure you shake it to remove extra water.  After that put it in a toothbrush holder and place your toothbrush in the sun from time to time.

Using Cotton Swabs to Clean Earwax

Most people have been taught to use cotton swabs to clean their ears. Well, the wax is not bad for you. Wax prevents ear infections and foreign particles from entering your ears.

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