Demystifying Human Body Myths

The human body is one of the most fascinating organs in the world. Firstly, because there is so much that we know about it and a whole lot more that we don’t know about it as well. And because there is so much that we don’t know about, there is a lot of speculation about it. This has then to a series of myths surrounding the human body. And today we shall demystify some of those human body myths.

Human Body Myths

Cracking Your Knuckles Give You Arthritis

There have many people who have been told that cracking their knuckles will give them arthritis. Well in actual fact, this is not true, as getting arthritis has nothing to do with cracking your knuckles.

Humans Use 10% Of Their Brain

As we all know that there is a lot that we could if we learned how to, as such many people believe that we only use 10% of our brain. However, studies have shown that we use every single part of our brain.

Shaving Will Only Make You Hair Grow Back Thicker

Many people who fear shaving have heard this one before, as such they do all that they can to stay away from shaving because they are afraid that their hair will grow back thicker. But in actual fact it doesn’t, its just the game of the eyes as well as a gem of the mind as you are what you believe.

We Have Five Senses

In school, we were always taught about the five senses of the human body, touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing like they are the only ones.  Well, we are sorry to pop that bubble, as there are four more senses that we have. These are the sense of balance, the sense of temperature, the sense of one’s orientation in space and the sense of one’s physiological condition.

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