How to Stay Fit and Healthy this 2022

Do you ever wonder why some people seem to stay fit and full of energy no matter how old they get? What exactly is their secret?

It seems like everyone wants to stay young forever. From Botox injections to collagen treatments, people are willing to try anything to achieve better skin or prevent wrinkles.

There’s a reason older women often look better than younger ones. Their bodies are better equipped to handle stress, and they have fewer health problems. And that means they live longer – up to 15 years long depending on lifestyle choices. Below, we share tips on how to stay fit and healthy this year.How to Stay Fit and Healthy this 2022

How to Stay Fit and Healthy

         i.            Avoid Smoking

Smoking reduces the ability of your body to produce its own red blood cells. This can cause anemia and fatigue, which can lead to weight gain. It also increases the risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.

       ii.            Keep a Log Book

If you’re not familiar with logging, it simply involves keeping a journal where you record your daily habits and activities such as eating frequency, servings sizes, etc. If you eat more than 3000 calories per day and weigh over 20 pounds, then you should be able to see the difference in your clothes if you log in regularly.

     iii.            Eat More Fruits

Fruits provide vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, water, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients that help keep your body healthy. They also contain substances that boost metabolism and burn fat faster. Try eating at least 3-4 servings per day to meet your recommended intake of fruits.

     iv.            Cut Back on Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption increases levels of insulin, which may contribute to weight gain. Excessive drinking also leads to liver damage and poor digestion. In fact, alcohol has been linked to stomach cancer. If you do consume alcohol, limit yourself to 1 drink per day instead of 2 or more.

       v.            Get Plenty Of Sleep

Sleep actually plays a role in regulating your metabolic rate and hormonal functions. Getting enough sleep keeps your muscles from becoming weak and prevents your hunger hormones from releasing too much. Make sure you hit about 8 hours each night.

     vi.            Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a great way to increase your strength while burning calories by doing things like running, walking, biking, swimming, lifting weights, or participating in any exercise program. Choose a form of aerobic activity 3 times per week. Include exercises that work all major muscle groups including lower back, upper arms, shoulders, hips, thighs, calves, neck, abs, and even your feet. Don’t forget to include stretching exercises to stretch out tight muscles.

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