How to Search on Google More Efficiently

For the majority if us, using Google for searching is a something that we can do even in our sleep. But that does not mean that we are searching on Google efficiently. To be able to use the search engine to its fullest, there are certain parts of the search engine that can assist you in using it more efficiently.

Tips On How To Search On Google More Efficiently

How to Search on Google More Efficiently

How to Search on Google More Efficiently

  1. Make use of the tabs on Google so that you are able to define your search. These tabsa are Web, Image, News and more.
  2. Make use of quotes to get better results. Take for instance, Online Casino will search for web pages with those words but “Online Casino” will search for the phrase as you have typed it.
  3. Make use of the hyphen to better define your search. For instance Online casino games will give you all the types of casino games, but online casino games – baccarat will give you that game in particular.
  4. Make use of the colon to search Google for specific site articles. For example How to search on Google This will only give you articles from Reels if Joy that have those phrases.
  5. Use the asterisk wildcard if you are looking for phrases or lyrics of songs that you are not sure of. Take for instance, “can*you*last time.” It may look like nonsense, but Google will fill in those spaces with all the possible combination of words.
  6. To find sites that are similar to one another. Take for instance you want to do some shopping online but you don’t want to use Amazon. You simply search like this related:Amazon. It will not give you any links to Amazon, but stores that are similar to Amazon.
  7. Keep it short and simple. If you are looking for any shops close to area, you can simply search coffee places nearby. Google will use your location and give you the closest possible coffee shop.

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