Gambling Lucky Charms you Need to Know

According to many speculations, gambling depends mostly on luck than any other strategy. It could be just a myth but many gamblers have taken the aspect of luck in their games seriously by getting lucky charms which are believed to increase your chances of winning. Lucky charms come in different forms of objects. If you are a gambler looking to explore the world of charms here is a list of some of the most used gambling lucky charms.

Four-leaf Clover

The four-leaf clover originated from the Irish tradition but has over the years become popular and used worldwide. Initially, the three-leaf clover is in connection with St. Patrick’s Day as a representative image for the holy spirit. In the case that the clover has a fourth leaf, it means the Grace of God making the cloverleaf a good luck charm that works. It’s very rare to come across a four-clover leaf and if one does come across it, it is said they will get lucky at something. The chances are said to be 1 out of 5076. That is why to date casino players believe having a four-leaf clover increases their luck.


Another most powerful good luck charm is the Horseshoe. It originated from Saint Dunstan. It is said that Saint Dunstan made a deal with the devil in which the devil agreed not to go to any place with a horseshoe put at the door. This tradition still exists today as people still believe the horseshoe drives the devil away. This made the horseshoe popular in all places including casinos. 

Laughing Buddha

The Laughing Buddha is also called Pu-Tai or Hotai. It is a monk that originates from China and is said to be a source of prosperity and wealth. It then makes sense why many gamblers would want to use such a charm as wealth is one of the reasons why people gamble.

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