6 Advanced Blackjack Strategy Tips

Blackjack has been and still is one of the most played casino games in the entire world. Most first-timers prefer the basic strategies which can be learned in a few hours with practice. Below are tips that can be utilized if you are looking at playing blackjack for a long time and win real money. This is to capitalize on your chances.

1-     Betting on other players hands

Unlike poker with blackjack, you won’t be playing against other players on the table but the dealer and collect your winnings regardless of what other players do with their hands. However, this does not mean you must ignore other cards on the table. You can always bet on other player’s hands if the opportunity arises.


Blackjack Gaming

2-     Splitting 10’s When Faced with 5 or 6 from the Dealer

This one is not an easy strategy as it goes against traditional blackjack ways of thinking. The strategy is for those who have mastered the art of card counting. Moreover, it is advisable to make this move if you are sure that the deck is still holding a good amount of 10s.

3-     Use of different positive and negative progression betting systems

These betting systems are there to maximise your winning chances by knowing when to scale down and betting bigger at the appropriate time. However, if you are looking for the best system there hasn’t been any proven one.

4-     Insurance

At some point, every new player has heard how bad of a move taking insurance is. However, that may not always be the scenario as sometimes it is the best way to handle the situation. A good situation to utilise on insurance is when the game you are playing has only a single deck of cards being used.

5-     Carefully choosing your seat

It is recommended to take the anchor chair or the last seat at the table. Moreover, this gives you the advantage to consider probabilities of certain cards. Choosing this seating strategy gives you the chance to see which cards have already been handed out.

6-     Master how to count cards

Ability to count cards is a great advantage when playing blackjack and all it takes is practise and brainpower.

The above strategies will surely be worth it in the long run.

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