Cool Reasons to Keep Banana Peel

Eating a banana on a single day is quite healthy. This is because they are packed with a lot of nutrients, which include fiber, protein, potassium, iron, folate, magnesium, niacin, manganese, riboflavin, vitamin A, B6, and C. Bananas, are also quite tasty and very versatile. This is because they can be eaten as they are, in ice cream, in cereal, or even in a fruit salad.

However, we are not here to talk to you about bananas. Instead, we want to talk about the cool reason to keep and use banana peel. If you didn’t already know, banana peels are actually edible. Not only that, but they are packed with a lot of health benefits. Read below to learn the few amazing things that banana peel will do to you.

Stop Itching

For those that didn’t already know, banana peels are really great for relieving the itchiness of bug bites. You must take a banana peel and massage the bumps with the inside part. You will be amazed as the results are quite instant. Studies report that it also works on rashes that are caused by poison oak or poison ivy.

Stay Regular

Everyone knows that skipping a bowel movement for just a day is really quite uncomfortable. The only way that you can have a regular bowel movement is by having enough fiber in your diet every day. Yes, bananas have a fair share of fiber but the peels are jam-packed! You can eat the peel or add it to your smoothies. If you find it difficult to eat the banana peel, you can scrape out just the inside of the peel and consume that.

Whiten Your Teeth

Most ways to whiten teeth are quite expensive and are harsh. As a result, it may wear away your teeth’s enamel, which will cause sensitivity, as well as weaken the teeth. However, you have a cheaper and much gentler way of whitening teeth in banana peel. Believe it or not, banana peel will help you whiten your teeth due to its potassium content. All you have to do is rub the inside part of the peel on to your teeth. You can do this daily for about 2 weeks for maximum benefits.


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