5 Things You Didn’t Know About Entertainment Media

Even though entertainment media has always existed, its popularity exploded in the modern era of television and the Internet. Movies, games, music, books, comics – they’re now part of our everyday lives, and everyone wants a piece of them. But how much do you really know about this world?

5 Things You Didn't Know About Entertainment Media

Entertainment Media Debunked

Fact #1

The first recorded use of the word “entertainment” was by the Greek poet Simonides when he said that it meant making people laugh or smile. This definition remains true today for those who are into all forms of entertainment. Those who study movies can see that the word ‘moving pictures’ comes from the same root.

Fact #2

People have been buying recordings since Thomas Edison invented his record player in 1877. The radio came right after that. And then there were televisions. The movie industry started taking off in 1896 with Thomas Edison’s Kinetoscope.


The term “videogame” wasn’t used until 1966 when Dr. Ralph Baer at MIT developed a game-like device called the Odyssey 2. It had lights and buttons, but no screen. The first video game console was invented in 1972. That year also saw the release of Pong which is still one of the most popular video games to date.

Fact #4

Music is an art form that goes back thousands of years. Recorded history dates back as far as 8,000 BC when cave paintings were created in Lascaux, France. In ancient Greece, the lyre was used to create melodies and rhythms. The harp (a form of string instrument) and flute were other instruments played during that time.

Fact #5

Jules Verne wrote his novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in 1865. It took him only two months to write. He became famous because it was the first science fiction book ever written. Verne was born in 1828 and died in 1905. His works include Journey To The Center Of The Earth, Around The World In Eighty Days, and From The Earth To The Moon.



From music streaming, to film remakes and online casino adaptations, the entertainment industry is booming. It seems like everything we love is turning into something else. It’s hard to keep up!

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