5 Health Benefits of Kava – A Natural Remedy from Polynesian Islands

Kava has become famous in recent years due to its health benefits. The drink contains powerful compounds called kavalactones, and these include kavain, diazepam, 7-hydroxykavain, and desmethoxyyangonin. These chemicals activate specific receptors in the body to promote relaxation and calm emotions. This makes kava a natural remedy for conditions such as anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, panic attacks, digestive disorders, etc.

5 Health Benefits of Kava - A Natural Remedy from Polynesian Islands

How Kava Helps You Healthwise

  1. Relieves Anxiety & Stress

The first benefit of drinking kava is that it helps relieve anxiety and stress. Anxiety can be caused by many factors, including physical or mental illness, family history, social interaction, trauma, environmental factors, and more.

  1. Improves Sleep Quality

Another benefit of drinking kava tea is that it improves sleep quality. If you find yourself waking up every hour during the night, then you should try some kava tea. It will help reduce those frequent awakenings because it reduces your anxiety levels.

  1. Promotes Digestion

One of the other reasons why people use kava tea is for their digestive system. Most people have experienced the discomfort of having indigestion at one time or another; however, this problem can often be improved with the right kinds of food.

  1. Enhances Immunity

One way to boost your immune system is through getting adequate rest, but sometimes this isn’t enough. Therefore, you may want to consider adding kava to your daily regimen.

  1. Treats Depression

If you’re looking for an alternative to prescription antidepressants, then kava could be just what you need. There are quite a few studies published on kava’s antidepressant properties, which means there’s no doubt about how effective it really is.


What You Need To Know

  • The roots of the kava plant are used to make this beverage. They grow up to 2 feet long and have milky white sap.
  • Consuming too much of this root can cause vomiting and diarrhea. It is therefore important that you do not consume more than 5g per kg of your weight.
  • You should only consume it after consulting with your doctor or pharmacist first.
  • It’s best to take kava on an empty stomach. If you already feel sick then try taking it before bedtime.
  • If you want to experience all the positive effects of kava, you need to ensure that you don’t drink any alcohol for 24 hours before consuming it.



Clearly, the Polynesian Islands are not only famous for their low restrictions online casino operations, but also for their traditional medicine. Kava is considered to be a sacred herb in most Polynesian cultures. Its popularity is growing rapidly throughout Europe and North America. However, like most things, you should consult your doctor first before you start drinking this herb…


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